Over 80% of people will experience back pain at some point in their lives. And many of those people will have recurring episodes of back pain. The pain subsides, they think they’re out of the woods and then 6 months later it comes back. And then it goes away….and then only 3 months later it comes back and now it’s not going away so fast. And so on and so on.

And the person gets increasingly frustrated each time the pain comes back and now they worry about it happening just about every day. They can’t enjoy the active lifestyle they once had because either they physically can’t do those things anymore or even if they can, they are afraid it will cause the pain to come back.
So why does the pain go away for a while and then come back?

Here are the 5 reasons I have come across most often in my 10+ years of treating athletes and active people:

1. You Haven’t Actually Done Anything to Fix the Problem..

This is by far the most common reason people’s back pain cycles on and off. When I meet people and tell them what I do for a living (physical therapist), so many people go on to tell me about their back pain and how it’s annoying, frustrating, etc. And when I ask them what they have done for it, the typical response is nothing… or they’ve just been taking pain meds!

How can you expect your pain problem to get better if all you do for it is say a prayer at night and hope it will go away on its own!?

And the more people have talked to me about their back problem (really any problem), I realize that a lot of people choose not to do anything because they simply don’t know which of the many options out there is the best choice for them. And they’re afraid of making the wrong decision or confused about where to start. So instead, they live in this paralyzing state of indecision and continued pain that limits their active lifestyle.

This is why I set up my clinic to offer a few different free options to help people BEFORE they commit to us. It’s a way for people to learn what they can do for their problem and see what option works best for them.

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2. Past Treatment(s) Didn’t Address the Underlying Issue

Have you received some form of treatment in the past for your back pain, only for that pain to come back later?
There’s a good chance that the treatment you received (i.e. injections, medications, unspecific/rushed PT, etc.) only took care of the symptoms (your pain) and didn’t address the underlying reason for your problem.
It’s like having someone help you bail water out of your sinking ship versus having someone help you plug the hole. It’s the difference between constantly having to worry about it happening again and being able to enjoy the things you love to do without worry.

3. You Didn’t Follow Through With Your Treatment Plan and/or “Homework”

There are times when someone is getting great treatment that is working on the underlying cause, but when they start to feel much better, they decide to stop the treatment plan early…and a few months later they’re back in with a “flare-up.” And this “flare-up” may have been avoided had they seen their treatment plan all the way through and not quit just when the pain went away. Remember, addressing the underlying issue is key!

Other times, people don’t do their physical therapy “homework” — the tips and advice given to them to do on their own time. If you see us 2 x week for an hour each time, that’s only 2% of your entire week. What you do in the other 98% will have a HUGE effect on your outcome.

4. You Progressed Your Activity Level Too Quickly

Another classic reason for someone’s back pain to come back… they start feeling a lot better so they decide that a 10 mile bike ride is okay to do… even though they haven’t ridden in a couple months. Or they’re feeling good because they’re finally back to their at home workouts… and they decide the “boot camp” class that’s free on YouTube is a great idea. Or a friend asks them to do a charity 5k with them… I men, it’s for charity so it’s got to be ok, right!?
You’re probably chuckling right now… not because the examples are that funny, but because you know you’ve been guilty of this too.
I understand that when the pain starts to go away, you get excited to do the things you love again. Our job is to help you make sure your activity level makes sense with your treatment plan — both short and long-term.

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5. The Rest of Your Life Isn’t Healthy

You don’t sleep well. You’re stressed. You work too much. You don’t eat well. You get the idea…
All these things play a role in your recovery and can affect your expected outcome — both the amount of relief expected and the time it will take to get that relief. We’re here to help you find ways to live a healthier lifestyle year long, life long… not just for 3 weeks! Here at Empower, we’re all about results that LAST.

So there you have it — the 5 most common reasons back pain comes back. I hope this article is able to help you make a better decision for your health and if you think a friend or family member would benefit from reading this (or needs to read it), feel free to forward it to them.

Let’s work toward results that LAST.

P.S. Join us for a FREE 5 Day Challenge: How To End Back Pain, Improve Posture, And Age With Ease, starting December 13, 2020! You can save your spot here — limited availability, so don’t wait… we will see you then!



Empower PT + Pilates

We have helped 1000’s of people end back pain and find a LASTING solution so that they can enjoy life and stop worrying when pain will strike again!